I'd been trying to find this information for months. At best, I couldn't find anything. At worst, Wild Apricot's help docs just laughed at me. Seriously, I wish I'd taken a screenshot, but it was a blank page with a broken image icon in the center. :-\ So here's a quick overview of how to add the needed code. First Things First I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but I'm using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to get the GA4 code into the website because it's the method I'm most … [Read more...]
The Magnificent Symphony
Ed Dale and company have once again brought back the 30 Day Challenge, but this year, it is simply The Challenge. I'm already a week or so behind but am enjoying catching up with the videos and lessons. I've just finished the last pre-challenge video called (what else?) The Magnificent Symphony. Essentially, participants will follow these four parts throughout the Challenge and, indeed, throughout their (web) marketing endeavors. "Headmaster Ed" has left us Challengers with the task (read: … [Read more...]
Research THEN Build
The experience we gained in the Entrepreneurship class at UWB was invaluable in giving us a solid foundation on which to analyze new business opportunities. It taught us to write a sound business plan (after being torn to shreds by the instructors, of course), how to pitch an idea in 60 seconds or less, to take (constructive) criticism with grace, and to use that criticism to improve, improve, improve. That said, the class was a little iffy on one fundamental step: market research. Sure, … [Read more...]
Drupal Haiku
Quick! Need a website! New folder and settings file Wow, I love Drupal. *** I've mentioned Drupal a few times, and I just wanted to drop a quick line about my favorite content management system (CMS). Drupal allows you to create websites quickly and relatively easily and gives you granular control over who gets access and how much access. And lately, I've been mucking with Drupal's multi-site capabilities. What this means is that I only have to install the CMS code once and have … [Read more...]
Building Trust & an Internal Debate
I recently created a quick website for a really sweet friend whose husband, Tony, disappeared in Brazil a few weeks ago. The site's purpose was to create a space which the family could give to the media to raise funds for the search. There were two main issues that came up with this exercise: how to continue to build trust for random people (i.e. not friends and family) visiting the site so that they felt they could trust donating money through it whether or not to leave a link back to … [Read more...]
Mahalo, Tim
Quick thoughts: I just couldn't leave off for today without giving some love to my new current hero, Tim Ferriss. In case you don't know who he is, Tim wrote one of this year's bestsellers, The 4-Hour Workweek. I won't get into the book too much right now (I'm saving that for a time when my eyes aren't burning from sitting in front of these screens for 15+ hours) because the book isn't really why I like this guy so much. The book got me excited about Lifestyle Design, but it was Tim that put … [Read more...]
No, Really– I’m Thinking Book Not Diary
So I read a quick snippet from Guy Kawasaki today called "The 120 Day Wonder: How to Evangelize a Blog", and I was immediately struck by his first point: "Think 'book' not 'diary'". Instantly, I understood why I'm such a huge fan of his. He blogs as if he's writing one of his books, not talking about how his life is going. Oh, I know I've read some of those kinds of entries from him, but he seems to stick to this mantra more often than not. I feel like I get so much value from his blog, I … [Read more...]
Plugging Right Along
Today's soundtrack: The Lover's Rock (Reggae) radio station on Napster. Last weekend, we created an Excel spreadsheet to track all of our tasks including a rework of the presentation for the fish bowl on Tuesday (think: poorman's MS Project). At the time, we were overwhelmed by the seventy-something tasks awaiting us. Ahhhh... naivete! :-) We completed some of the tasks this week and ported the XLS file to Google Spreadsheets today to ease collaboration. And of course, we have added even … [Read more...]