Today’s soundtrack: The Lover’s Rock (Reggae) radio station on Napster.
Last weekend, we created an Excel spreadsheet to track all of our tasks including a rework of the presentation for the fish bowl on Tuesday (think: poorman’s MS Project). At the time, we were overwhelmed by the seventy-something tasks awaiting us.
Ahhhh… naivete! 🙂
We completed some of the tasks this week and ported the XLS file to Google Spreadsheets today to ease collaboration. And of course, we have added even more things to the list! 😛 We’ve worked nearly non-stop this weekend on the business plan, prototype, financials, graphics, and PowerPoint (not necessarily in that order). Spirits are high as we close out the weekend quietly tapping away on our respective laptops.
My current task: get the layout “fixed” in order to take screenshots for Tuesday’s presentation.
This might sound odd, but I love this stuff!